Tuesday, September 23

Installing Canon PIXMA ip1600? (printer driver) without the printer

some printers needed to be plugged on the computer to install the printer driver, I have a problem installing the canon Pixma ip1600 a few times because I wanted to install the printer driver without the printer itself.

whenever I tried to install the printer driver it would always asked me to 'start over' again because it cant detect any plugged printer on the laptop's USB port. (the point is installing the printer driver without the printer itself).

The solution for this problem is instead of choosing 'Express install' select on the 'Custom install'. You can choose to install all the other additional softwares first bundled with this printer and install the 'printer driver' later or whichever goes first, but you have to install the 'printer driver' separately so you would have an option to do 'manual selection' during printer detection. if it cant detect the printer, you can just choose 'manual selection' and it you would skip the detection and install the printer which to be used later.

that's all folks. hope that helps.

Any additional suggestions?

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