Thursday, September 27

Passing by part II

I heard yesterday, the lady that i was talking about in my previous post was transferred at different department(same workplace). I feel so relieved to hear that because i know her new department is much better and much friendlier than her previous department. I cant stand ppl bullying others. everybody is trying to be the boss here and im just so freaking tired with their attitudes, at certain point i feel like giving up my job here. there was this one time when i was alone in the office and i was sitting at our kerani's table. i was just about to go out to check on computers and was about to lock the office(nobody there) when i saw two other staffs were waving their hands to tell me to wait, the other guy said he wanted to return the laptop and the other one wanted to borrow it. i let him in and told him that i was in hurry and perhaps he could come back later to renew the laptop. he looked so unhappy, i just sat patiently at the kerani's table and trying to explain that i was about to check other computer since his matter was not so urgent, i told him to come back later. with a serious look he told me that he wanted it to be done as soon as possible(like he's da boss la cara ckp). to avoid further uneccesary arguments i just said ok.

later on, i checked the laptop and told my colleague who incharge for for laptops to give it to the guy later when he come to pick it up then i went somewhere to attend another comp prob. I told her about the guy just in case he's giving another prob.

I spent a few hours to check on other computers and then went back to my office. my colleague told me that the previous guy was asking who i was while i was away.. im quite new there by the way. he thought i was a new clerk because i was sitting at my friend's place. when my frend told me that i was a new pen pegawai there he was surprised and said "oh",, my friend said mbe he treated me that way coz he thought i was a kerani.. but that's not the main point rite. so i said to my fren. "oh jadi kalau bukan pegawai mcm tu lah cara dia bckp". i really dont like people who treat others just based on status or positions. if because the person has bad characters or attitudes than it would be understandable.. huhh dunia dunia..

that's all folks.

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