Friday, September 14

Thank you

On the way to go to work this morning, I was listening to the radio and the DJs were discussing about the word "Thank you".

It reminded me of a lady who I approached to ask for a direction at KLIA airport a few years ago. I believe she was a hotel executive or something. I didnt remember exactly what Ive asked her, and then in the end I said "Thank you".. She looked amazed, I was just leaving when she said to me that it's so good to hear the word"Thank you", and felt relieved people could still remember to say this word. She told me that she had met many people there everyday and everytime people approached her asking for something, they would never say "Thank you".

It's not that she was expecting people to appreciate her but come on, it's just the right word or right thing to do. It wont degrade you to say this word, yet many people think it's not important. Even worse, some people would think or said this way " It's his/her job to do that, why would I have to say thank you, im paying for it you know".

Well hmm.. it's just my habit to say "Thank you" when people doing something in my favor. Learn to appreciate people, no matter who they are. It wont take you more than a minute to say it, yet it makes a difference in someone's life.

Let's not forget to say "Thank you". Even better, if you say and mean it.

There are three things in life you cannot recover..
The word after it's said,
The occasion after the loss,
and the time after it's gone..

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